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Naručite hardver na Newegg-u - NSA presretne pošiljku i ugradi prisluškivanje
PhatPhuck Naručite hardver na Newegg-u - NSA presretne pošiljku i ugradi prisluškivanje 30.12.2013. 12:02 T56147

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broj poruka: 1886

`Report: NSA Intercepts Computer Deliveries
LONDON December 29, 2013 (AP)
Associated Press

A German magazine has lifted the lid on the operations of the National Security Agency`s hacker unit, revealing how American spies intercepted computer deliveries, exploited hardware vulnerabilities, and even hijacked Microsoft`s bug report system to spy on their targets.

Der Spiegel`s revelations relate to a division of the NSA known as Tailored Access Operations, or TAO, which is painted as an elite team of hackers specializing in stealing data from the toughest of targets.

Citing internal NSA documents, the magazine said Sunday that TAO`s mission was `Getting the ungettable,` and quoted an official as saying that TAO had won `some of the most significant intelligence our country has ever seen.`

Der Spiegel has published a series of NSA stories based on documents leaked by former intelligence worker Edward Snowden.`
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