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Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana
gang1978 Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana 19.08.2020. 13:39 T67704

status: user
broj poruka: 1661

Meni je ugovor sa njima istekao u septembru prosle godine, usluge sam koristio do 14.aprila ove godine kad sam im vratio opremu, do tada mi nisu ponudili novi ugovor.
Danas medjutim oni meni traze da platim ne samo ceo taj april mesec vec i 1300 dinara za maj i kazu kao pa mogao si da koristis usluge sto je laz jer nisam mogao ni UNIFI mrezu da koristim preko telefona, probao sam ?
Kako to otkazni rok 30 dana i bas 30 dan je navodno otkazano (tako proizilazi zbog tih 1300 dinara za maj).
Sad mi prete sudskim postupkom od neke kompanije ODM Collections ukoliko im ne platim tih 3000 i nesto dinara?
Da li ja moram da platim taj iznos ili mogu da ih dobijem na sudu ako me tuze ?

Pozdrav i hvala svima na odgovorima.
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micika988 ... 19.08.2020. 15:44 #664576

status: user
broj poruka: 1994
kad sam otkazivao fiksni telefon na lelekomu, sve mesece sam morao platiti tzv. otkaznog roka iako slusalica nije podignuta godinama, slicna prica sa IKOM-om, tako da ako se nesto mora platiti plati i bavi se necim sto te cini srecnim, izlet u prirodu/goru je dobar izbor, nesto sa rukama da radis/valjas/mesis, krv, znoj i plac varijanta i bice ti odmah lakse...

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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phoboskv eh... 19.08.2020. 16:40 #664577

status: user
broj poruka: 939

Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
that here obedient to their laws we lie

`I`m the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn`t very nice`

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MaliAbner Re: Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana 19.08.2020. 17:59 #664578

status: user
broj poruka: 7761
Ako nesto ne shvatas ne treba odmah da plujes po svima zato sto svet ne funkcionise kako ti zamislis...

Elem tebi je istekla ugovorna obaveza ALI ugovor je neogranicen.. na ovo moras da obratis paznju pogotovu kod mobilen telefonije zato sto kad ti istekne ugovorna obaveza istekne ti i promocija pa placas punu cenu telefonske pretplate za mobilni...

Elem obracunski period kod SBB-a je od PRVOG dana u mesecu do 28-31-og u mesecu u zavisnosti kad ti padne taj mesec... e sad malo je pederski sto se taj mesec kad najavis ne racuna u otkazni rok pa ako to uradis DRUGOB u mesecu popijes patku tako sto ces morati da budes njihov verni korisnik jos skoro dva meseca... ako mesec ima 31 dan onda mozda mozes da se odjavis prvog ali vec drugi je povuci potegni...

Opremu ne moras da im vraca sve do poslednjeg dana otkaznog roka ALI moras da imas u vidu da moras da im vratis tog dana a ne kasnije tj. moze ranije ali ne moze kasnije zato sto ce da te kosta jos jedne pretplate...

Ugovori su takci kakvi su i treba ih citati pre potpisivanja a ne na kraju ugovora zato sto je tada vec kasno...

Apropo sudjenja tu nema sudjenja nego upravni postupak koji ce na osnovu ugovora izmedju tebe i SBB-a voditi njihova pravna sluzba protiv tebe...

Moj ti je predlog da platis to sto si duzan da kasnije ne bi placao sudske troskove a na sudu nema teorije da dobijes... a i taj dug je verovatno sitnica u odnosu na stetu koju mozes da pretrpis u evenutalnom sudskom postupku...

Eh da ne zaboravim da i tokom perioda otkaznog roka svi servisi na koje si preplacen tekucim ugovorom moraju da budu aktivni u suprotnom ti mozes da ih tuzis za naplacivanje necega sto nisu isporucili tj. za nepostovanje ugovora...

Naravno kad zoves tehnicku podrsku kazes da se razgovor snima u svrhu evenutalne tuzbe...

`Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!`

:: Meni je ugovor sa njima istekao u septembru prosle godine, usluge sam koristio do 14.aprila ove godine kad sam im vratio opremu, do tada mi nisu ponudili novi ugovor
:: Danas medjutim oni meni traze da platim ne samo ceo taj april mesec vec i 1300 dinara za maj i kazu kao pa mogao si da koristis usluge sto je laz jer nisam mogao ni UNIFI mrezu da koristim preko telefona, probao sam
:: Kako to otkazni rok 30 dana i bas 30 dan je navodno otkazano (tako proizilazi zbog tih 1300 dinara za maj)
:: Sad mi prete sudskim postupkom od neke kompanije ODM Collections ukoliko im ne platim tih 3000 i nesto dinara
:: Da li ja moram da platim taj iznos ili mogu da ih dobijem na sudu ako me tuze
:: Pozdrav i hvala svima na odgovorima
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VMARC I ako ih dobijes na sudu 19.08.2020. 19:34 #664581

status: user
broj poruka: 9388
Trosak postupka kroz tvoja angazovanja koja ne pokrivaju sudski troskovi ce te kostati makar tih 3000 din. Bolje plati i zavrsi sa tim, jeftinije ti je i materijalno i fizicki i psihicki.

MBP Retina 13` Late 2012
macOS Catalina

i9 7920X/MasterLiquid Pro 120/GA-X299 UD4 Pro/32GB/240GB RAIDR/STRIX GTX1080TI O11G GAMING/CM 750W/LG 27MB85Z-B

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micika988 ... 19.08.2020. 21:58 #664588

status: user
broj poruka: 1994
I da, u slobodno vreme, materijal vredan citanja ispod sljive (kindle ili sta god)

What Is Surveillance Capitalism?

Surveillance capitalism’s successful claims to freedom and knowledge, its structural independence from people, its collectivist ambitions, and the radical indifference that is necessitated, enabled, and sustained by all three now propel us toward a society in which capitalism does not function as a means to inclusive economic or political institutions. Instead, surveillance capitalism must be reckoned as a profoundly antidemocratic social force. The reasoning I employ is not mine alone. It echoes Thomas Paine’s unyielding defense of the democratic prospect in The Rights of Man, the polemical masterpiece in which he contested the defense of monarchy in Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France. Paine argued for the capabilities of the common person and against aristocratic privilege. Among his reasons to reject aristocratic rule was its lack of accountability to the needs of people, “because a body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by any body.”54

Surveillance capitalism’s antidemocratic and antiegalitarian juggernaut is best described as a market-driven coup from above. It is not a coup d’état in the classic sense but rather a coup de gens: an overthrow of the people concealed as the technological Trojan horse that is Big Other. On the strength of its annexation of human experience, this coup achieves exclusive concentrations of knowledge and power that sustain privileged influence over the division of learning in society: the privatization of the central principle of social ordering in the twenty-first century. Like the adelantados and their silent incantations of the Requirimiento, surveillance capitalism operates in the declarative form and imposes the social relations of a premodern absolutist authority. It is a form of tyranny that feeds on people but is not of the people. In a surreal paradox, this coup is celebrated as “personalization,” although it defiles, ignores, overrides, and displaces everything about you and me that is personal.

“Tyranny” is not a word that I choose lightly. Like the instrumentarian hive, tyranny is the obliteration of politics. It is founded on its own strain of radical indifference in which every person, except the tyrant, is understood as an organism among organisms in an equivalency of Other-Ones. Hannah Arendt observed that tyranny is a perversion of egalitarianism because it treats all others as equally insignificant: “The tyrant rules in accordance with his own will and interest… the ruler who rules one against all, and the ‘all’ he oppresses are all equal, namely equally powerless.” Arendt notes that classical political theory regarded the tyrant as “out of mankind altogether… a wolf in human shape.…”55

Surveillance capitalism rules by instrumentarian power through its materialization in Big Other, which, like the ancient tyrant, exists out of mankind while paradoxically assuming human shape. Surveillance capitalism’s tyranny does not require the despot’s whip any more than it requires totalitarianism’s camps and gulags. All that is needed can be found in Big Other’s reassuring messages and emoticons, the press of the others not in terror but in their irresistible inducements to confluence, the weave of your shirt saturated with sensors, the gentle voice that answers your queries, the TV that hears you, the house that knows you, the bed that welcomes your whispers, the book that reads you.… Big Other acts on behalf of an unprecedented assembly of commercial operations that must modify human behavior as a condition of commercial success. It replaces legitimate contract, the rule of law, politics, and social trust with a new form of sovereignty and its privately administered regime of reinforcements.

Surveillance capitalism is a boundary-less form that ignores older distinctions between market and society, market and world, or market and person. It is a profit-seeking form in which production is subordinated to extraction as surveillance capitalists unilaterally claim control over human, societal, and political territories extending far beyond the conventional institutional terrain of the private firm or the market. Using Karl Polanyi’s lens, we see that surveillance capitalism annexes human experience to the market dynamic so that it is reborn as behavior: the fourth “fictional commodity.” Polanyi’s first three fictional commodities—land, labor, and money—were subjected to law. Although these laws have been imperfect, the institutions of labor law, environmental law, and banking law are regulatory frameworks intended to defend society (and nature, life, and exchange) from the worst excesses of raw capitalism’s destructive power. Surveillance capitalism’s expropriation of human experience has faced no such impediments.

The success of this coup de gens stands as sour testimony to the thwarted needs of the second modernity, which enabled surveillance capitalism to flourish and still remains its richest vein for extraction and exploitation. In this context it is not difficult to understand why Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg offers his social network as the solution to the third modernity. He envisions a totalizing instrumentarian order—he calls it the new global “church”—that will connect the world’s people to “something greater than ourselves.” It will be Facebook, he says, that will address problems that are civilizational in scale and scope, building “the long-term infrastructure to bring humanity together” and keeping people safe with “artificial intelligence” that quickly understands “what is happening across our community.”56 Like Pentland, Zuckerberg imagines machine intelligence that can “identify risks that nobody would have flagged at all, including terrorists planning attacks using private channels, people bullying someone too afraid to report it themselves, and other issues both local and global.”57 When asked about his responsibility to shareholders, Zuckerberg told CNN, “That’s why it helps to have control of the company.”58

For more than three centuries, industrial civilization aimed to exert control over nature for the sake of human betterment. Machines were our means of extending and overcoming the limits of the animal body so that we could accomplish this aim of domination. Only later did we begin to fathom the consequences: the Earth overwhelmed in peril as the delicate physical systems that once defined sea and sky gyrated out of control.

Right now we are at the beginning of a new arc that I have called information civilization, and it repeats the same dangerous arrogance. The aim now is not to dominate nature but rather human nature. The focus has shifted from machines that overcome the limits of bodies to machines that modify the behavior of individuals, groups, and populations in the service of market objectives. This global installation of instrumentarian power overcomes and replaces the human inwardness that feeds the will to will and gives sustenance to our voices in the first person, incapacitating democracy at its roots.

The rise of instrumentarian power is intended as a bloodless coup, of course. Instead of violence directed at our bodies, the instrumentarian third modernity operates more like a taming. Its solution to the increasingly clamorous demands for effective life pivots on the gradual elimination of chaos, uncertainty, conflict, abnormality, and discord in favor of predictability, automatic regularity, transparency, confluence, persuasion, and pacification. We are expected to cede our authority, relax our concerns, quiet our voices, go with the flow, and submit to the technological visionaries whose wealth and power stand as assurance of their superior judgment. It is assumed that we will accede to a future of less personal control and more powerlessness, where new sources of inequality divide and subdue, where some of us are subjects and many are objects, some are stimulus and many are response.

The compulsions of this new vision threaten other delicate systems also many millennia in the making, but this time they are social and psychological. I am thinking here of the hard-won fruits of human suffering and conflict that we call the democratic prospect and the achievements of the individual as a source of autonomous moral judgment. Technological “inevitability” is the mantra on which we are trained, but it is an existential narcotic prescribed to induce resignation: a snuff dream of the spirit.

We’ve been alerted to the “sixth extinction” as vertebrate species disappear faster than at any time since the end of the dinosaurs. This cataclysm is the unintended consequence of the reckless and opportunistic methods, also exalted as inevitable, with which industrialization imposed itself on the natural world because its own market forms did not hold it to account. Now the rise of instrumentarian power as the signature expression of surveillance capitalism augurs a different kind of extinction. This “seventh extinction” will not be of nature but of what has been held most precious in human nature: the will to will, the sanctity of the individual, the ties of intimacy, the sociality that binds us together in promises, and the trust they breed. The dying off of this human future will be just as unintended as any other.

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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ICEsd Re: Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana 19.08.2020. 23:06 #664589

status: user
broj poruka: 2155

Moras. Ja sam otkazao Supernovu ( Kopernikus ) istog dana vratio svu opremu i isto kao i ti moram da platim otkazni rok 30 dana, isto mi je istekao ugovor, samo ima dve godine da je istekao. Fora je sto kad mi sad stigao racun nije bilo 1400 din kao prosli mesec kad nisam otisao da raskinem ugovor vec 1998 din kao da nemam ugovornu obavezu.

Istrpecu tih 4000 din koje traze i miran sam posle.

:: Meni je ugovor sa njima istekao u septembru prosle godine, usluge sam koristio do 14.aprila ove godine kad sam im vratio opremu, do tada mi nisu ponudili novi ugovor
:: Danas medjutim oni meni traze da platim ne samo ceo taj april mesec vec i 1300 dinara za maj i kazu kao pa mogao si da koristis usluge sto je laz jer nisam mogao ni UNIFI mrezu da koristim preko telefona, probao sam
:: Kako to otkazni rok 30 dana i bas 30 dan je navodno otkazano (tako proizilazi zbog tih 1300 dinara za maj)
:: Sad mi prete sudskim postupkom od neke kompanije ODM Collections ukoliko im ne platim tih 3000 i nesto dinara
:: Da li ja moram da platim taj iznos ili mogu da ih dobijem na sudu ako me tuze
:: Pozdrav i hvala svima na odgovorima
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MaliAbner Re: Re: Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana 20.08.2020. 17:47 #664595

status: user
broj poruka: 7761
Ni ti ne razlikujes ugovor i ugovornu obavezu...

Porpisan ugovor vazi do trenutka kad neka od zainteresovanih strana pozeli da raskine ugovor + ugovorom predvidjeni otkazni rok...

Ugovorna obaveza je mahom na 12/24/36 meseci gde se korisnik obavezuje da zarad odredjenog popusta koristi bez prava raskida u odredjenom periodu odredjene usluge... tokom trajanja tog promotivnog perioda nema moze da raskine ugovor na svoju stetu placajuci preostale pretplate iz podpisane ugovorne obaveze na svoju stetu...

Operateri mobilne telefonije su po pitanju ugovorne obaveze jos gori i teraju korisnike da svake dve ili tri godine ponovo obnove ugovornu obavezu tako sto im nakon isteka ugovorne obaveze uvecavaju mesecnu preplatu na taj paket...
Na taj nacin ogranicavaju manevarski prostor korisnicima da promene operatera kad im se ukaze povoljna promocija drugog operatera mobilne telefonije...

SBB do skoro nije imao konkurenciju ali unazad godinu dana MTS je ozbiljno okrnjio postojecu bazu korisnika SBB usluga...

`Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!`

:: Moras. Ja sam otkazao Supernovu ( Kopernikus ) istog dana vratio svu opremu i isto kao i ti moram da platim otkazni rok 30 dana, isto mi je istekao ugovor, samo ima dve godine da je istekao. Fora je sto kad mi sad stigao racun nije bilo 1400 din kao prosli mesec kad nisam otisao da raskinem ugovor vec 1998 din kao da nemam ugovornu obavezu
:: Istrpecu tih 4000 din koje traze i miran sam posle
:: ::
:: :: Meni je ugovor sa njima istekao u septembru prosle godine, usluge sam koristio do 14.aprila ove godine kad sam im vratio opremu, do tada mi nisu ponudili novi ugovor
:: :: Danas medjutim oni meni traze da platim ne samo ceo taj april mesec vec i 1300 dinara za maj i kazu kao pa mogao si da koristis usluge sto je laz jer nisam mogao ni UNIFI mrezu da koristim preko telefona, probao sam
:: :: Kako to otkazni rok 30 dana i bas 30 dan je navodno otkazano (tako proizilazi zbog tih 1300 dinara za maj)
:: :: Sad mi prete sudskim postupkom od neke kompanije ODM Collections ukoliko im ne platim tih 3000 i nesto dinara
:: :: Da li ja moram da platim taj iznos ili mogu da ih dobijem na sudu ako me tuze
:: ::
:: :: Pozdrav i hvala svima na odgovorima
:: ::
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Morow Re: Re: Re: Imam jedno pitanje u vezi SBB-a i njihovog famoznog otkaznog roka od 30 dana 21.08.2020. 14:15 #664601

status: user
broj poruka: 1038
:: SBB do skoro nije imao konkurenciju ali unazad godinu dana MTS je ozbiljno okrnjio postojecu bazu korisnika SBB usluga..

Prosle godine cini mi se udeo u trzistu bio je SBB 55%, MTS 31%.
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Adzem ... 22.08.2020. 00:36 #664610

status: user
broj poruka: 3797
adsl uvek ima duplo bolji ping.

Finalna masina konacno sastavljena:
Ryzen 3600 OC
G.Skill Trident Z Neo 3800
MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
RX 5700 xt
Acer KG251QDbmiipx 240hz

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