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Email adresa @domen tacka rs notifikacije na gmail
duqp Email adresa @domen tacka rs notifikacije na gmail 06.12.2020. 23:35 T67903

status: user
broj poruka: 3466
Sve lepo namešteno, koristim webmail ponekad, mada mi fabricki email u huawei telefonu nekako prakticnije deluje, jednostavno za podešavanje pop3 imap smtp sve po parametrima.

Juce sam podesavao telefon ispocetka, stavio sync na 15min itd i malopre gledam na alt mejlu (gmail) dobijam info o nekom uspesnom loginu, dovecot service, bla bla i tu mi pokazuje neka razna obavestenja, neki ip i tako.

Da li je realno da ce mi stalno stizati notifikacije na alt mejl o tim aktivnostima ili je ustvari ovo neko usao pa nesto cita (nema sta, obican mejl, nista bitno ni važno se ne desava tu, sluzi za posao i to neke ultra banalne stvari)

Ovo je ustvari neka cphulkd login notification usluga. Ostavim upaljeni za ne daj boze ali stavim u snooze ili tako nesto da me ne maltretira cesto :)


Dodao autor teme (07-12-2020 03:08:17):

 Nisam malouman:

Koristio sam mejl sigurno nekoliko puta u zivotu samo mi je ovo nekako novost i nisam ranije vidjao aktivno, upaljeno nigde.
1. Sa razlogom drzim odvojene naloge @gmail i gmail aplikaciju i @live sa outlook aplikacijom i @domen.rs u fabričkoj email aplikaciji od huawei-ja
2. Iako je domen moj i načina nema da se bilo ko ulogovao da uradi bilo šta, ja sam u podešavanjima na web panelu i samom nalogu štiklirao da dobijam notifikacije u vidu poruke za svaki login i to mi budali stigne i na gmail i na live i na rs adresu jer sam ih dodao u ona glupa alternative adress polja

3. Evo slika kakva to poruka bude.

Tebi hvala kao da si na a4 papiru nacrtao upustvo za gmail aplikaciju i login i next next next postupak i poslao overeno i pečatirano.

@admin haha čistite spam u 4 ujutru, svaka cast. Ispade da odgovaram sam sebi a ne faks inženjeru :)

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micika988 ... 07.12.2020. 12:18 #666621

status: user
broj poruka: 1994
vidi neki rockwell 56k conexant(nije prelazio 3.8KB/s) ili lucent agere 56k (cak 4.5KB/s), a us robotics usb modem je vec bio zver > 5KB/s, gozilla i dap ubijali

danas i nije neka mudrost napraviti alarm ako ta i ta osoba nesto objavi - poslati notifikaciju na mail, mada i to sumnjam da je isplativo, prava stvar je po automatizmu deaktivirati temu sta god on/ona objavi-o/la .)

evo i malo spam-a od mene, namenjenog za Mr. Krieger-a, ali ne da se, obe teme mu zakljucase :)

kuda vodi ova `onlajn` nastava, mozda se neki profesorcic probudi i promeni nesto, bar za ovo nase podneblje, a ostali neka se snalaze kako znaju i umeju:
posto istrazujes drevne misterije, baci pogled i na ovu, datira od bar 1890.

Rotten to the Common Core - why schools and colleges and universities are deliberately dumbing down students
by Joseph Farrell

“The Leipzig Connection”: The Stimulus-Response Cosmology and the Redefinition of Education and the Teacher
ili ako ti je engleski ogavan:
Die Leipzig connection. Ursprung und Verbreitung der Erziehungs-Psychologie by Lance J. Klass, Paolo Lionni
Thorndikes Ausgangshaltung war die gleiche wie die von Wundt: daß der Mensch ein Tier sei, daß seine Handlungen Reaktionen seien und daß er im Laboratorium mit sehr ähn-lichen Resultaten und in sehr ähnlicher Weise wie ein Tier studiert werden kann. Demzufolge setzte Thorndike Kinder den Ratten, Affen, Fischen, Katzen und Hühnern, mit de¬nen er in seinem Laboratorium experimentierte, gleich. Wenn er im Laboratorium etwas greifbares oder quantifi¬zierbares über die Intelligenz und die Lernrate der Tiere her-ausgefunden hatte, war er bereit, es am Lernen im Klassen-zimmer anzuwenden. Aus seinem Forschen schloß er auf tierische Verhaltens-,.Gesetze“, die er dann auf die Ausbil-dung von Lehrern anwandte. Diese trugen dann das so Ge-lernte in jede Ecke der USA und führten ihre Klassen, Lehr-pläne und Schulen auf der Basis der neuen „Erziehungs“- Psychologie.

In 1980, Paolo Lionni published a thin little paperback that has since become something of an underground “cult critique” of the basis of modern American education, titled The Leipzig Connection. The little book, now in its fifth printing, was reviewed by various newspapers around the country, some of which appear on the current printing’s back cover. There, for example, one may read The Christian Science Monitor’s review: “Arresting… paints a picture of deliberate sabotaging of sound pedagogy… by those who should have known better.” Even The Seattle Times weighed in with the observation “Perceptive… a blunt, concise argument for the restoration of educational principles… will stimulate argument.”22 Lionni’s argument is that the American education system was not only expanded during the period, but that it was deliberately designed to fail as an instrument to hand down the Western cultural and scientific tradition, but that it was wildly successful at what it was really resigned to do, i.e., to produce a collectivized dumbed-down population where individuals’ creative and critical thought processes were atrophied.

Lionni is not alone in this assessment. David Albert, in his Introduction to John Taylor Gatto’s Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, pulls no punches:

Central to this understanding is the fact that schools are not failing. On the contrary, they are spectacularly successful in doing what they are intended to do, and what they have been intended to do since their inception. The system, perfected at places like the University of Chicago, Columbia Teachers College, Carnegie-Mellon, and Harvard, and funded by the captains of industry, was explicitly set up to ensure a docile, malleable workforce to meet the growing, changing demands of corporate capitalism—“to meet the new demands of the 20th century,” they would have said back then. The Combine… ensures a workforce that will not rebel—the greatest fear at the turn of the 20th century—that will be physically, intellectually, and emotionally dependent upon corporate institutions for their incomes, selfesteem, and stimulation, and that will learn to find social meaning in their lives solely in the production and consumption of material goods. We all grew up in these institutions and we know how they work. They haven’t changed much since the 1890s because they don’t need to—they perform precisely as intended.23

Education for `World Citizenship`
Founded by Wundtian John Dewey in 1919, the Progressive Education Association’s board issued a
statement based on its deliberations at that meeting, and published it in its December 1943 issue of its own
Progressive Education. The statement is revealing of this wider political purpose:

This is a global war, and the peace now in the making will determine what our national life will be for the next century. It will demonstrate the degree of our national morality. We are writing now the credo by which our children must live.
Your Board unanimously proposes a broadening of the interests and program of this Association to include the communities in which our children live. To this end, they propose additions to the governing body to include representatives of welfare services, health, industry, labor and the professions. In short, a cross-section body to give scope to our program….
Yes, something happened around a table in Chicago. An organization which might have become mellowed with the years to futility, in three short days again drew a blueprint for children of the world. 18

What is Effective Teaching?

1) Technology must offer only a supporting role. Physical books and libraries are an invaluable resource defining primary and secondary source material, guides in research, and offer a permanency to learning which is absent in the digital age.

2) Human Assessments: The role of the teacher must include the role of the assessor as a primary function of the job. Note, this does not mean the administrator of computerized exams, but rather one who personally administers questions specific to each student during instruction to gain an understanding of the student’s knowledge.

Is there rottenness at the heart of Common Core?

Indeed there is, and that rottenness is the idea of “more,” more standardized tests, compiled by a remote and anonymous “educational soviet,” to be reinforced by its commissars in continuing education and professional development workshops, while the students learn the modern digital equivalent, through copying and pasting, of finger-painting and clay-modeling.
Enough is enough.

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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