Extract the Mi Unlocking tool at your desktop and install the Mi PC Suite file. Now restart the PC.
Now take your phone and turn it off. If, if you can’t turn off the phone then just hold and press the volume up, volume down, and the power button key altogether. It will turn off the phone and the “mi” logo will show on the screen Then press the volume up button and the power key together it will redirect the phone to the recovery screen. You will see the main menu then connect directly to the Mi PC Suite. Then jump into the PC and open the mi unlocking tool folder and run the adb.exe file. After running the ADB open the mi account unlock tool. Now connect the phone with your PC with a data cable. If your phone is above Redmi Note 3 then simply click on the “mi bypass account” and if it is Redmi Note 3 and below from that click on “disable mi account”. The phone will start rebooting and it will take 8-10 min.
Zena ima sjajan telefon - ja sam pre par dana nabacio Mi Note 10 5G (imao sam Motorola G4) za nesto manje od 200 jewra - strawa telefon!
Sama je pravila ,i naravno nije stavila sifru.Ja na mom tel imam i veoma jednostavnu sifru.
:: Bas zbog ovoga Google preporucuje da se prilikom tog otkljucavanja postavi i sifra koja se ukucava... pa je malo cudno da je oba zaboravila.. :: :: Citat: :: `Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!` :: ::
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Skoro je obnovila ugovor,i da se sama pozabavi zakljucavanjem tel i nesto nije dobro uradila prilikom pravljenja tog sablona ili nije upamtila,i eto belaja...Uradio sam hard reset,neke bitne podatke je izgubila,ali sad je gotovo. :: Pa je zaboravila? Ima li forgot preko gugl da resetuje.Nije nikako moglo da se prustupi uredjaj :: :: ::
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